Monday 13 February 2012

Many dark bay geldings

First case this morning was stitch removal on a 17hh dark bay handsome old boy. Stitches were snipped out from a wound on the medial tarsus which the patient had managed to align right over his vein and I am reliably informed 'pissed blood everywhere' when he came in. Vet kept head right up next to stifle when leaning over to do the stitches. Thought this was pretty sensible for general kick avoidance. Also vaccinated their little shettie field mate who had a simply adorable pink hearts fleece rug on and was quite a character.

Second in was a set of forelimb radiographs on another big 17hh bay gelding with a history of laminitis. Radiographs were to check for changes in the feet consistent with laminitis or founder. No changes were present, but some osteophytes possible on the proximal interphalangeal joint. Took obliques to check out the osteophytes. Nothing major.

Got stuck in loads of traffic after a horrible accident where a lorry and a car seemed to have tangoed up the central reservation. The car had come off worse and the central reservation was all over the wrong side of the road. Grim.

Eventually made the visit, albeit late, to another dark bay gelding, 25y/o, for a general once over. This consisted of a mini-vetting (vet had to borrow my pink stethoscope - he worked it!); eyes, skin, heart, lungs, palpation etc. Some swelling was present over right stifle and tendon sheath of the right hind. Watching the movement he seemed to be dropping his hip more on the right hand side and at trot was visibly lame. Lameness worse to flexion, seemed to isolate to the fetlock (flexion rarely exacerbates stifle lameness). Took blood. Further appointment made.

Last, but not least two dentals. One on a gorgeous gray mare. No sedation required although she did fidget a little.Used power tools. Very good; had a feel of before and after and the difference is remarkable. Did teeth on a huge coloured 6y/o showjumper next. Sedated with Domosedan to take the edge off (he tried to rear a few times) and then did teeth with power tools. Had a few ulcers from sharp points on his teeth. Re-do in 6months. Got to have another cheeky feel. Love being out. Learning things!

A good day.

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