Sunday 4 March 2012

So far so good.

I've seen all sorts of things since I updated last and it would be dead boring to run through a list of them all. Highlights have been an increase in the number of testicles I have lopped off, a dog with onychodystrophy, a labradoodle with epilepsy, some yummy chocolate brownies, an ex-lap to hunt for a cause of cholestasis, an entropion-fixing operation, interesting clients, a necrotic tail tip, removal of the anal glands, listening to gallop rhythm cats, blood glucose monitoring, tooth rasping, a difficult case of mud fever management, cracking lemon drizzle cake and a dog with a ventricular septal defect. I will also never cease to be amazed by the amount of animals which are riddled with fleas or ear mites. Grim!

I have spent an awful lot of time peering into the eyes and ears of all the anaesthetised patients to try and improve my experience of looking into these orifices! It's a lot easier when the patients are anaesthetised and makes me swifter when dealing with the live & kicking ones. Talking of anaesthesia I was 'in charge' of anaesthesia on Friday morning and everything went under and got back up as planned. Words can't do justice to the feeling of relief! I have also worked all week on improving my pussycat handling. Having never had pets as a child I never spent much time manhandling cats or kittens and I think they can sense my cack-handedness. Little triumphs this week include tabletting my first ever cat (something I had managed to avoid until now!), tabletting five more and improving intramuscular jab technique for triple anaesthetic.

Last week I was looking after the family dog whilst my parents were away. Whilst it was a delight to have him around for walks at lunchtime, it was fairly exhausting making sure he & I both got enough exercise. I was relieved when they came back at the weekend.

It has been a really long week, but I really enjoy the work. It's slightly depressing to work all the hours under the sun for no financial reward; I imagine the counter argument to that would involve the experience freely given. Considering we're not able to act without supervision and in some cases we require a lot of supervision, but in other cases I think the practices get very good value for money.

One more week of mixed practice and then we're off to Wales. Tally ho!

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